C. Kelley

We found Mark by visiting NRVIA.com, knowing there were "certified" rv inspectors, plus we wanted someone that was only in the inspection business and not a technician working for a dealership that may or may not have the qualifications we needed.  Mark was attentive with follow-ups via email within 24 hours of any inquiry and he was flexible with his schedule and sympathetic to what we needed when potentially purchasing from an individual on CraigsList in regards to schedules, etc.  He was on-time and after inspecting for six hours, he spent time with us answering immediate questions and reviewing any concerns.  Within 24 hours we had a thorough 50+ page report complete with great pics to help us understand our potential RV purchase.  And btw, we bought our first Class C RV and felt more confident than ever!  C. Kelley 8/2018


G. Toner


L. Maliszewski